Sustainable Coffee Campaign


Create a print and digital campaign for Starbucks/Nestlé foodservice environments — self-serve, kiosks, and cafes — to reach a customer base Starbucks does not reach directly in its own channels and stores. Educate and reinforce commitments to coffee farmer equity and sustainability made in partnership with Conservation International.

Fundamental design principles in branding, hierarchy, and communication help the audience understand the partnership between Starbucks, Nestlé, and Conservation International. This is key in achieving a result that all stakeholders could align to when considering their individual goals.

Print and digital posters create an omni-channel campaign while standing out in their respective environments to engage the audience with a type of storytelling that may be unexpected.

Brenden Mendoza, art director
Andrew Vagner, designer
Josh Trujillo, photographer
Sarah Estes, producer

Additional Concepts and Ideation


Amazon Alexa


Holiday Party