Starbucks Annual Impact Report
Design Starbucks’ annual report, web landing pages, and amplification assets. The report covers content spanning environmental and social impact narratives, storytelling, and data.
Each year, a solid design system is critically important to organize dense content into sections that are easy to navigate. Strong chapter design, type styles, and visual cues help stakeholder audiences find the information they are looking for. The report is also published on the About.Starbucks website with a unique landing page approach and is parsed across other digital channels for amplification.
For seven years in a row, I have led the design and production of the annual impact report as strategy has evolved and scope has expanded.
Andrew Vagner, art director, designer, and project manager
For each annual report, my scope is end-to-end: concepting and report design, defining structure, selecting and editing photography, copyediting, website staging and publishing, amplification design, and project management.
2023 Report
View the full landing page.

Evolving design year-over-year.
Since the full redesign in 2018, I have thoughtfully balanced brand consistency and design evolution for the report and associated materials every year. Leveraging system elements like strong typography, layouts, iconography, and navigation, each year’s report is a smart succession over the year prior.
2022 Report

2021 Report
2020 Report
Additional cover concepts