Miso Pot Pie
“Fun fact: this was the first pot pie I’ve ever made.”
So what’s in it?
Again, my bad for not writing down a recipe. But take my word for it, all of this worked together really well. Plus, I’m a huge advocate for a taste-as-you-go kind of recipe once you have the main ingredients bulleted out.
Butter and flour roux
Cream of mushroom soup concentrate
Miso-ginger broth
Miso paste
Soy sauce
Skillet-grilled chicken, with soy sauce and umami seasoning added
Potatoes and carrots, boiled until slightly softened
Yellow onion
Pot pies don’t really need a recipe…right? That’s what I’m telling myself to justify the fact that, as I was winging this one, I didn’t write anything down. Luckily, the key takeaway here was how good this tasted. And it’s a yet another testament to my theory that miso makes everything better.
Fun fact: this was the first pot pie I’ve ever made. And while it may not be the prettiest, I did realize how easy it can be and how you to make it with a twist. I think I played it a little safe with the miso and I’d definitely add more next time, but my careful venture into pot pie making was overall very successful.